Residential Tenant FAQ
I've received a condition report. What do I need to do?
The condition report gives an overview of the state of the property at the start of the lease. It provides descriptions and photos of the property that the tenant and landlord agree are accurate. The report will be used at the termination of your tenancy to ensure the property is left in a similar condition.
You should take some time to review the report and add any additional comments if you need to. It should be returned to our office within three business days.
Do I have to connect my own utilities?
We will arrange the connection of water at your property. You will be required to pay for water consumption.
Our partner, Direct Connect, a free, no-obligation service can arrange your connections for you if you prefer. Just tick the box on your tenant application form if you would like Direct Connect to contact you.
Can I get a pet?
New Legislation introduced on 2nd March 2020 has changed the process for requesting a pet. A landlord can not unreasonably refuse consent for a tenant to keep a pet on the premises.
If you are considering getting a pet you will need to submit the prescribed Pet request form for each pet, from Consumer Affairs, in writing to our office. The request will need to provide details regarding the type, breed, age, sex and size of the pet and where the animal will be spending its time (even a fish). If the landlord does not consent to having a pet on the premises, the landlord will then have to make an application to VCAT within 14 days. The landlord will need to provide a reasonable explanation why the pet cannot be kept at the property. In the absence of an application to VCAT, the landlord is deemed to have provided consent. Local Council restrictions still apply to the type of pet you may be allowed.
If your request is approved you will be required to take full responsibility for the animal, including paying for any fencing needed or damage caused.
Can someone else move in with me?
If you want someone to move into the property you must advise us in writing and the person moving in must complete a tenant application form. They will also need to provide identification, relevant payslips or income documentation just as you did when you applied for the property.
We will seek approval from the landlord who can withhold consent if the applicant is not suitable.
The power has gone out. What should I do?
A number of things could be the cause. Ask yourself the following:
Is there a power outage?
Your local electricity distributor is Powercor. Contact them on 132 114 or visit to check if there is an outage in your area and the approximate time for power to be restored. .
Has the safety switch been tripped?
Check the main switchboard (usually located at the front of the house) to see if any of the switches are in the down or off position. If they are, switch them back up or on and see if this restores power.
Do you have a faulty appliance?
A faulty appliance may have caused the safety switch to trip. You can test your appliances such as kettles, toasters, heaters and TVs by plugging them in and turning them on one by one. If one trips the power again it's likely it is faulty and should no longer be used. Faulty appliances are a safety risk.
If you have tried all of these and are still without power contact our office and we will arrange for an electrician to attend.
I want to vacate the property. What do I need to do?
If your lease has expired you must give 28 days written notice to our office of your intention to vacate. The property must be returned back as per the original condition report and all rent must be paid to the vacate date.
If you wish to leave before your lease expiry date you must advise us in writing and lease break fees will be applicable. We will advertise the property (at your cost) and you will be responsible for the rent and upkeep of the property as per the conditions of your lease until a suitable tenant is found.