Changes to Residential Tenancies Act pass Parliament

The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill passed the Parliament on 6 September 2018.
The review of the 20-year-old Residential Tenancies Act, which governs the needs of renters and landlords in Victoria and led to the Amended Bill, was the most significant in state's history.
It came about in recognition of the changing needs of renters and landlords, in particular, the shift towards renting as a longer term arrangement. The review examined issues such as security of tenure, dispute resolution and the regulation of property conditions
The Bill includes more than 130 reforms that aim to increase protections for renters, while ensuring landlords and agents can still effectively manage properties. These include:
- The abolishment of the 120 days 'no specified reason' notice to vacate
- Changes to the notice of entry periods for entering rented premises
- The introduction of prescribed minimum standards in relation to basics like heating, window furnishings and ovens
- Allowing tenants to make certain prescribed minor alterations to a property without consent
- Allowing tenants to keep a pet at the property
- Limiting rental increases to one per year
- Strengthening termination grounds for malicious property damage
- Adding new grounds for termination in relation to serious threats and intimidation towards visitors to rented premises, including landlords and agents
- New compensation options for serial late rent payment of less than 14 days.
"Keeping on top of legislation and developments in the residential and commercial rental market is a huge part of our role as property managers," says Narelle Waller, Director of Leasing at Waller Realty and head of our Property Management team.
"Our focus is on ensuring landlords and tenants have the most up-to-date information and the right tools to understand and navigate the reforms. We'll be guiding both parties through the consultation and implementation process."
"It will be an interesting 18 months for property management across the state and we would encourage landlords and tenants to speak with us if they have any questions."
Consumer Affairs Victoria will oversee implementation of the new laws. With full implementation planned for July 2020. To view the full list of the reforms, visit
If you have any questions please call our Property Management team on 03 5470 5811 or
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